Hello, I’m Karen and welcome to the website. Quilting on the Coast is a long arm quilting service located in the Hunter area and came about after more than 40 years of sewing, numerous crafts and finally an introduction to quilting more than 20 years ago. I am a Fabricaholic and can't resist visiting a quilt shop when travelling. As a result I am a quilt lover and I am here to help you transform your design into an heirloom.
I am based in Fern Bay which is just a short drive from Newcastle, NSW.
I use a Gammill machine (Ruby II) with Statler Stitcher which can offer a large range of continuous quilting designs. I can help you design the perfect pattern to enhance your quilt for a reasonable price.
Quilts can be delivered to me either personally or through the post. Your finished quilt will be returned in the shortest time possible, allowing you to enjoy the comfort of your treasure.
If you need any information, please, drop me a line.
Karen Styles